Using Cloudflare R2 as a Terraform backend

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When creating this website, I decided to work with a tech stack that I'm not familiar with(Within certain boundaries). Typically, while working with Terraform I work with AWS or Azure. This time I chose to work with Cloudflare.

Cloudflare offers S3-Compatible object. This allows us to use an R2 storage as a Terraform backend with relative ease.

Creating an R2 Bucket

To create an R2 Storage bucket you can either use the Cloudflare Wrangler CLI like so:

wrangler r2 bucket create <YOUR_BUCKET_NAME>

Alternatively, you can create an R2 storage account via the Cloudflare Account Dashboard user interface.

When you create a R2 Storage bucket you will be presented with an S3 API value. Keep this for the next steps.

Creating Cloudflare API Keys scoped to the bucket

Now, you need to create API keys to communicate with the bucket from Terraform:

  • In Account Home, select R2
  • Under Account details, select Manage R2 API tokens
  • Select Create API token.
  • Under permissions, select Object Read and Write permissions and then select the scope to be scoped to your newly created R2 bucket.

You will now have a API token that is scoped to your R2 storage bucket to use with Terraform.

Setting up Terraform

Firstly, configure the Cloudflare Terraform Provider. The official documentation shows you that the provider can be configured by passing a value to api_token in the provider block; however, I would recommend using the environment variable CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY.

provider "cloudflare" {
  # Configured by the CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY environment variable

Next, configure your Terraform backend as s3 as the R2 Storage bucket is S3-Compatible.

terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    bucket                      = "wreckitrobtf"
    key                         = "terraform.tfstate"
    region                      = "auto"
    skip_credentials_validation = true
    skip_metadata_api_check     = true
    skip_region_validation      = true
    skip_s3_checksum            = true
    use_path_style              = true
    skip_requesting_account_id  = true

Key points:

  • Set region to auto
  • Set your bucket value to the name of the bucket you created

Configure the following envrionment variables as you would with an AWS S3 Bucket:

  • AWS_ENDPOINT_URL_S3 -> The S3 API value provided when creating your R2 Storage bucket
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID -> Your Cloudflare Account ID
  • AWS_SECRET_KEY -> The API token you created that is scoped to your R2 Storage bucket

Next Steps

If you have some existing state that you would like to migrate to the backend run the terraform init -reconfigure command. Otherwise, simply run terraform init and you're all set.